ADAAAE - Association for the Development of Agriculture and Aquaculture in Equatorial Africa

ADAAAE Membership Form

Personal Information
Last Name:
First Name:
Phone Number:
Mailing Address:
Membership Type: Adult (10 euros) Minor (free)
I, the undersigned , declare my intention to become a member of ADAAAE and pledge to support its activities. Membership will be effective upon receipt of the contribution.
Contribution: I would like to make a donation to support the association.
Amount: €
I would like to consider leaving a legacy to the association.
I do not wish to make a donation at this time.
Payment Method: Bank Transfer
IBAN: FR32 2004 1010 1507 2986 8V03 602

Check payable to : aide au developpement de l'agric

Photo Acceptance: I accept that photos in which I appear may be used for promotional purposes by ADAAAE.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your decision to join ADAAAE. Your support will actively contribute to the realization of our projects and the advancement of our mission. The commitment of each member, such as yourself, is invaluable and fundamental in achieving the goals we have set for the communities in Equatorial Africa. Together, we can bring about lasting change and make a difference.
Thank you very much for your trust and support.
The ADAAAE Team.
Done in on
Electronic Signature:

You can also click here to download the membership form in PDF format and send it to the association's address.