ADAAAE - Association for the Development of Agriculture and Aquaculture in Equatorial Africa

Legal Notice

Legal Information

Company Name: ADAAAE (Association for the Development of Agriculture and Aquaculture in Equatorial Africa)

Registered Office: 2 bis rue Vauban, 68300 Saint-Louis

Phone: +336 30 41 87 32


SIRET Number: 923 673 867 00019

Status available upon request via email or phone.

Association under Alsace-Moselle local law.

The publication in the governmental 'Journal Officiel' (JO) can be found here (French version).

Description of image 1

Image by Franco237, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Description of image 2

Image by Ecole publique de Malang 2, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Description of image 3

Image by callmetak on Freepik.